Thursday, April 30, 2009

Rounds and Rounds and Rounds!

I loved this WOD! Great turnout and great job! You all are really doing well with technique and it is impressive to watch! I put at the front of the Video that we still need to "fine tune" these movements! Keep that arch in your back with Clean, Deadlifts, Snatches etc...Arms need to be straight while on that bar when its on the ground! and when you get in that front squat..elbows up and FIGHT that bar! Don't let it bring you forward! Resist it from the top and keep that resistance through the ENTIRE movement! Your Cleans will be stronger your squats will go heavier and your BACK will LOVE you!

3 rounds of
8 squat cleans 75/95
5 chest to mat push ups
3 rounds of
15 KB Swings
10 Knee to Elbows
3 rounds of
10 Thrusters 75/95
5 pullups
3 rounds of
10 Wall balls
10 burpees

Finish 3 rounds of the couplet before moving on to the next! No REST!

Times posted soon!