Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The time is approaching

It sure has crept up on us fast but WE ARE MOVING to NC on Sept. 28th. This is going to be such a hard departure. It will be hard to leave mt CFO family as I have come to love you ALL! What an amazing experiance out time in WA has been and it will never be forgotten.

Keep checking as we will be having a "going away" party on Sept. 19th. Details TBA. But you all know it will be a GREAT time!

I have the utmost face in the CFO trainers and the changes that will keep our family growing and our athletes improving! Keep working hard because I WILL be back to visit...you can count on that!



  1. Abby you have been a true inspiration. I have learned so many lessons from you and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love you and will miss you, Chris and the kids more than you'll know..well ok, maybe you will. I can't wait to come visit you in NC and workout at CF Wilmington!!! LOVE YOU THE WORLD MY FRIEND xoxox.....

  2. Hey CFO,

    Anyone gonna update the site; this stuff is old.
    Hey Abby, thanks for the "Kool-aid" and making me a part of the CFO fam. Good luck to you and yours at Bragg.


  3. Hey Abby,

    I am wishing you and your family a remarkable future. Thank you for inspiring and sharing your expertise with us. Crossfit is more than just a gym, it is family and friends supporting and encouraging each other. One might say it is like a cult without the creepy leader :) I really enjoy the workouts you created at CFO and of course the atmosphere also.

    I am sure you will have great success in your future endeavors.
