Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Bring on the Back Squats!

Warm up

10 OHS
10 KB swings
10 GHD
10 Box jumps
10 situps
400 m run

Back Squats

bar- 10


followed by...

KB Snatches max reps in 5 min.

Monday, July 27, 2009


What a GREAT fundraiser? Who is in?

I would rather be a Clean Jerk....

Clean and Jerk--these are FULL cleans! Not power...get underneath that bar and STICK IT!!!!

PVC--technique instruction
Bar-- form
Light x6
Heavy 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1

DeAndre 180
Darin 165
Bek 65
Brandon 170
Joe D 165
John 155
Huw 115

Friday, July 24, 2009

Make me Thirsty Thursday

10 wall ball
5 man makers
10 pullups
5 box jumps

21, 15, 9
DLs 135/185
KB/DB Thrusters 25/35

Blasted 70# DB Thrusters...I swear they get me everytime! GREAT job today on the HSPU...this is adefinitely a movement that people are leary of but with a lil help from friends most of you attempted them and completed the WOD with them! Great work!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

10-4 Good Buddy

10 Russian Lunges
10 pushups
10 pullups
10 Back Squats (am classes did push press)
400 M run

Joe D joined me in getting his muscle up on Tuesday! Today it was documented! Great Job!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Too Good Tuesday!

Shannon and Gen killing 85lbs!

Kinda jumped into this one thinking that it would be "okay" but when is it ever "okay" this one paired with the heat was a burner! Loved it!

15 OHS 65/85
10 pullups
5/5 single arm KB Thrusters
200 M farmers run!

Times were ERASED ahhhhh! Do you remember your time? let me know!

Abby 23: 48 25/35/85
Tammy 28:04 25/35/85
Julie 22:30 26/35/85
Gen 23:17 25/35/85
Melissa 23:57 20/35/65
Darin 18:46 35/44/90
Julia 23:30 15/26/45
Bryce 28:53 35/44/85
Tim 21:05 35/44/85

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

start off with a BELL!

mmmmmmHmmmmmmm...yes there was a "truck" warmup before this...you ALL know what that means and if you don't...come and find out!

20 KB Swings
10 box jumps
5 burpees
20 kb power cleans
10 box jumps
5 burpees
20 kb snatches
10 box jumps
5 burpees
1000 M Row or 800 M run

Saturday, July 18, 2009


75 power snatches for time

50 40 30 20 10
double unders


What was Darin's last Snatch time...Bek????

AMRAP in 20

20 Push Presses
40 Double Unders

Thursday, July 16, 2009


I have been working on the Muscle up for what seems like FOREVER and this is the closest I have EVER been!

had a few new people!!!!! and you guys did great with a tough WOD

400m Row
30 overhead lunges
30 med ball cleans
800 m run
20 push jerks
20 dips
400 m run
10 gaunlet squats
10 floor wipers

Tracy 48:00


robin 1x 21:51

loretta x1 32:17

Bek 50:29

Stacey 47:15

Marisa 39:58

Jake 35:03

Melodie 32:25


Melissa ****

Joe ****

Jenna 35:40

Huw 44:30

Dave 44:17

Mandy 1x 27:50

Gen 38:23

Britt 1x 19:50

Ann 47:22

Julia 44:33

Delia ouch

tim 36:08

Julie 33:50

Jeni 55:00

Mellani 47:53

Reshma 45:40

Abby 33:32

Juan 37:14

Darin 33:34


Monday, July 13, 2009

WE will be able to start CHILDCARE in the mornings

I have someone interested in doing childcare for us from 9am-11am on Monday/Wednesday and Fridays!

I would like to know who is interested in this service so that I can ensure it will be utilized!

So PLEASE let me know who NEEDS childcare in AMs!

Burp up your breakfast

AMRAP in 20

5 burpee pullups
5 tire flips

times and photos posted soon!

No BBQ...still a GOOD WOD!

21 row for calories
15 knee to elbows
9 man makers

10 pullups
10 front squats
10 tire flips

21 row for calories
15 knee to elbows
9 man makers

Meghan 46:12
John 24:15
Huw 31:32
DeAndre 24:00

WELCOME Angela! Hope to see you back SOON!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Team event! Twins and triplets!!!! Good Times!

This was a lil teeked from the CF Games Affiliate Team WOD...

In teams or 2 or 3

30 wall balls 10/12
300 M Row
30 Box Jumps 18/24
30 KB Swings 35/44
30 DB Thrusters 25/35
30 Dead Lifts 135/225

*Team starts together on wall balls once the whole team is done with 30 wall balls each then they move on to the next 4 exercises that are done in "stations" and are completed in order. The team can not move onto next station until the whole team is done with the station they are on. Once all memebers of the team have done all 4 stations then they go to deadlifts where each team memeber has to complete 30 DLs but only 1 memeber of the team can be working at one time!

TEAM MOM shannon/abby 26:49
TEAM MAN in the MIDDLE marisa/kyle/tammy 34:20
TEAM RUIZ brittany/melissa 17:57 (one round)
TEAM JORGE juanita/george 34:19
TEAM ROSE between 2 THORNES casey/ann/huw 38:25
TEAM ON MY OWN TIME jeni/megan 38:22
TEAM FNG julia/tim 31:45

Casey is NOT the rose....

The mexi of TEAM JORGE..and the FNG

The George of TEAM JORGE...a thorne and Meg...kicking ASS

The other thorne

Daaaaamn JENI!!!!

oooo la la Meg...

2 of Man in the Middle

Sweat angel

sweat Demon


So many of you that can't attend, REALLY want to attend. I want to make it great, with as many of you there as possible! SO... it will be postponed...probably until the weekend following LakeFair! I will get you the specific date by Monday...so you can MAKE PLANS TO BE THERE!!!!!

So the workout is as normal! 9am at the gym!!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Saturday July 11th we are doing our WOD around Capital Lake! Meet at 9am across from the fountain READY to workout! We will do a warmup!

There will be a BBQ at the gym after the WOD! BYOB (buns and beverages)

Nothing crazy...just a chance for us to get together, eat and relax!

Families are welcome! Robyn will be at the lake to watch the kids! Mary will be photographing the WOD!!!

It is going to be HOT that day! Hopefully we will BEAT the HEAT!

RSVP! please! So we don't buy tooooooo much meat! :)

Holy Balance!

Times Posted soon!

20 Right arm KB Shoulder Press 26/35
15 Left arm DL 55/75
20 right leg jump rope
20 left arm KB Shoulder Press
15 right arm DL
20 left leg jump rope
5/5 Turkish get ups 18/26

Truck working with Huw! Welcome back Huw!

My idea to get a 55# Turk get up with bar! Nailed it...

Joe-D calves burnin!

Stacey trying to balance one armed DLs

John dominating one armed DLs

Dominic potty training FOR TIME!!!

Single arm KBs...got it Ryan!

Deb stringing right leg jump ropes together

Everyone in motion! Great work!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

FGB...yah thats right Fight Gone Bad

Joe-D, Tammy and Julie

Melissa gettin air!

Julie pushing 75#

Tired Tam?

FGB...thanks BJ Penn...really THANKS

1 minute for each exercise, on a contiuous clock, rotate through all 5 stations
with a minute rest between each round. 3 rounds.

Wall Ball (12# on 10ft/10# on 10ft (no 20 lb ball)
SDHP 55/75
Box Jumps 20"/24"
Push Press 55/75
Row (for calories)