Friday, May 29, 2009

Some of CFO lifting!

Thought you guys might enjoy it! Plus it is a great way to see a "rounded" back, bad head position, set up position and of course a good way to see GREAT FORM! Keep pushing!

WOW welcome newbies!

What a day! I was running a lil late..SOOOOOOOOOO SORRY! You guys were warmed up and ready for the madness! It was so nice we went on the 400 M Run route again for a lil station WOD! Since we only had a few last week work the station run route on Saturday I thought a lil tweeked repeat would be OK!

You ALL worked hard and did amazing teamwork!

We had 6 new faces today! WOW!
Welcome Julia, Jenny, Kimberly,LyDawn and Nicole! Lori Thanks for stopping by and checking us out! Hope to have you and your husband come SOON!

400 run route
run 3 stagered box jumps
run 15 wall balls
run 3 tire flips
run 21 kb swings
run 3 tire flips
run 9 pullups
run 9 burpees

Wednesday took the bar away!

I Liked this one!

50 Waiter Lunges 35/44
3 tires flips
40 CrossOver pushups
3 tire flips
30 box jumps 24"
3 tire flips
20 knee to elbows
3 tire flips

Scott 24:04 Rx on 33"
John 19:57 Rx
Lori 17:50
Spenc 24:19 33"
Ashley 26:15
Joe D 17:40
Brittany 24:46
Melissa 19:53
Tammy 24:08 AND SHE JUMPED ON 33" box ONCE AFTER WOD!!!! awesome job!
Abby 21:44 Rx 25.5"
Gen 24:25 RX on 33"
Jeni 35:06

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Friday CLASS time is CHANGING!

It is a DEAD class so SORRY if this poses an inconvience but I am CANCELLING the 7pm on Friday evening!

If for some reason you HAVE to workout then please ask me ahead of time! We can prob work it out!

ALSO my daughter Payton has here 1st soccer game THIS friday...yah 5:30pm and I would like to be there! Since I have NO lovely ladies on VACATION! hahaha I will be there to OPEN the gym and put the WOD on the board but THEN I will be LEAVING! SO if you plan on being there on tomorrow let me know! It will be a WOD that will use NO weight...but as you ALL know that doesn't MATTER cause it will STILL work you!

I will be back about 6:45 to check on you peeps and close up!

These classes will NOT be available for newbies to CrossFit...only our "veterans" will be allowed to attend these classes!

But please let me know who plans on being there!


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Another CFO team event????

This is not confirmed but it sounds like a BLAST to me! Anyone interested so I can tell the head of the fundraiser who is interested?

A fundraiser to support the Special Operations Warrior Foundation.
The workout will be done in honor of the eight Air Force Combat Controllers that have given their lives in OEF/OIF (two are from WA).
This email is just to gauge interest in the event.

When: 20 June 2009

Time: TBD

Where: Rainier Crossfit (5403 Milwaukee Avenue East, Suite B Puyallup, WA 98372)

(completed in teams of 4)
Run 400m
400 shoulder to press (65# women, 95# men)
Run 400m
800 squats
Run 400m
8 rope climbs (2 ladder climbs will equal 1 rope climb)
Run 400m

Now for the twist... each team will be given 2 "jerry" cans that they will carry throughout the workout. A maximum of 2 teams members can do a exercise at a time and the team can not move on to the next exercise until all the repetitions are completed. The "jerry" cans must also not touch the ground at any time during the workout. A 8 burpee penalty will be assessed to each team member each time the "jerry" can touches the ground. Burpees will be done at the end of the workout before "time" is called.Cost: $8 per person ($32 per team) - all proceeds go to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation (

Stations while you run!

Saturday was a beautiful day and before we kicked off our Memorial Day festivities we had a good "lil" WOD!!!

On our 400m Run route there were staions set up approx. every 100 M

So Run then Stagerd box jumps 18" to 24" to 26" then come back 26" to 24" to 18"
then run to Tires 3 flips then run to 21 KB Swings then run to 15 Ball Slams run to 9 pullups run to 9 burpees


John 25:50
Bryce 37:55
Bek 41:27
Juanita 34: 28

WELCOME BEN from San Diego CrossFit! Glad to have you join us while you are in Olympia!!!!!

YEAH drink the Kool Aid

30 Clean and Jerk/Press
400 m run
30 Pullups
2 min rest
30 KB Thrusters
3 40yrd Dash
30 OHS

Abby 95/75# 21:06
Bryce 111/75# 23:54
Scott 111/75# 24:24
Gen 75/65# 19:45
Melissa 65/45# 23:49
Brittany 65/65# 25:31
Joe D 95/65# 23:00
Darin 111/65# 22:51
Ryan 111/75# 23:10
Kyle 111/75# 21:25
Marisa 65/65# 29:11
Stacey 65/45# 18:35
Tammy 75/75# 19:06
Julie 75/75# 20:35
Mel 65/45# 24:00

Memorial Day!

To honor our Soliders ultimate sacrafice...I decided to Tobata FIGHT GONE BAD!!!
I think that "brutality" was a great way to memorialize some very TOUGH men and women!

20 secs on 10 secs off for 8 rounds of each movement

Wall Ball
Push Press
Box Jump


Nice work to everyone!

Lilly 5 4 9 4 7

Gen 7 8 5 7 3

Mary 3 10 0 0 7

Stacey 4 8 3 4

Bek 3 6 3 4

Darin 5 10 5 6

Julie 4 9 5 5

Tammy5 9 6 5

Melissa 5 10 8 4 6

Joe D 6 10 7 8 7

John 7 10 6 7 10

Brittany3 7 0 6 5

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Class Schedule Changes for THIS WEEK!

Juanita and Alanna are BOTH gone! ugggghhhhh! Have fun ladies!

So class schedule changes are:

Tuesday- NO 12 class! Evening classes are 5:30pm and 6:30pm
Wednesday- 12, 5,6,7
Thursday- 5:30 and 6:30
Friday- 12,5,6,7
Sat. 9am

Thanks everyone! Sorry I had to cancel the NOON on Tuesdat but there was NO avoiding it! Back to normal next week! Plus MAYBE a few EXTRA kettlebell classes! Details coming soon!


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Day Schedule Change!

So we ALL can enjoy a BEAUTIFUL day off and Honor our Fallen Soliders AND still get our CrossFit on...Class times are changed!

We will have 2 classes

9am and 6pm!
See you all there!

Gen gettin SOME!

Tracy working hard on pullups

Juanita nad DOuble unders!

This was a "less intense" WOD! We did teams of 3 and each member had to go thru each movement before the next team member could start and once all 3 members went thr the movemnets that was 1 round! While you were waiting on your teammates you DO ABS!!! any abs! Just do em!

we added 3 tire flips to some of the teams...just for shits and giggles!

some runnin and snatchin and squatin and...

A previous WOD and times! This was a good one too!

Juanita, Gen and I waited until the dust cleared and then went at the 10-1 WOD! What a decieving SMOKER! But we had agreat energy between the 2 of us and rallied through!

Abby on 95# and Juan on 65#

Juan swingin 44# Gen on THE BIG BOX

Bek pushin her TANK TOP! looking great during the 10-1 WOD!

Abby wondering why she decided 95# was a good weight!


Monday and Tuesday were hard this week! Threw a lot of weight around and continuosly challenged ourselves with heavier weight and better technique!

10 down to 1 of

Squat Clean and Press 65/95


KB Swings

Box Jumps

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Here is what the 1st batch will look like and if we sell enough then the other slogans will be ordered too!!!!

If you want 1 please leave a comment with style and size!
The styles to choose from are:
Mens T
Womens T (I chose a style that is longer)
Racer Back Tank
Standard womens tank
Colors will be... (you will have NO CHOICE sorry)

White Racer Back and womens tank
(unless I can get a red...that IS NOT FIRE ENGINE red...kinda like the mens T pictured)
Mens and Womens Ts will be the darker red as shownshown!

Price is 20$

oh and the front of the RACER BACK will be the same logo as it is on the Ts....

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

NW Qualifier WOD

Gen and Adriane on pullups

Brittany High pullin 65#

Bryce on ring pullups

Bryce at 135#

Wall Ball chicks!

A few of us went to watch the NW regional CrossFit Qualifiers up in Seattle on Saturday! WHAT AN EXPERIENCE!!! There were some AMAZING athletes and it was so nice to be in an enviorment where whether you were competing or spectating we ALL knew in some way how those lying on the floor following their WOD felt!

Big congrats to Amy D and Alex from CrossFit No Limits! You gals did great!
Also a big congrats to Tom from SnoRidge were fun to watch! Anyway I had to try this WOD! Though it is scaled down...many people did the scaled version at the qualifiers and I tell yah what CFO did REALLY well at it!!!

6 ring pullups
30 Wall balls 10 ft target 12#/20#
6 SDHP 95#/135#

Bryce and Abby Rx
Juan worked ring pullups for the 1st time!
Welcome back Noah! And GREAT job to everyone who went heavier, higher and faster!

Friday we worked on some 3 RM

Yah thats 3 rep max!!
Great work EVERYONE!!

Amy 97# Jerk!
Darin 137# Thruster

Marisa 97# Thruster
Tammy 117# Thruster
Melissa 87# Thruster

Mud Run 2009

What an amzing time! Everyone had a blast and EVERYONE finished!It is amazing the strength you can have in numbers and I know for most THIS was out of your element and believe me people....sloppin around in mud isn't something I do everyday either!!!

I am so proud of you as clients, I am so blessed to have you as friends and I am so inspired by you ALL as human beings!!!! You are the cream of the crop when it come to down right good people that have found a "place" to get fit and well but have MADE it a family! Thank you!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Holy Acronym!

21 K to E...ok i made that one up...knees to elbows!
X 4
and a 400M DASH just for shits and giggles! Thanks Alanna!

No pictures? :( got to get MY TRAINERS on that!!!! Get your cameras out ladies!

keep working hard on HSPU...they are tough but once you can stabalize yourself on the wall it really DOES get easier! on getting up there first and then count the negative if you can't get back to lockout (full arm extension)

Way to go heavier on SDHP! We are gonna have to do those more often!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It's a GREAT problem to have!

We are BUSY!!!! So busy that I think the best route is to start running classes EVERY HALF HOUR! We will start the warmup on the half hour and the WOD will follow! This will REALLY help with the congestion and those of you that have been coming really early for the 6 pm class will be able to start AT 6 while those that show at 6 will be able to start at 630 or or soon after!! It will work better I am sure of it!

So make note that you will NOT be late if you show up at 5:15 because warmup will start at 5:30! Works out GREAT for those of us who are always RIGHT on time or perpetually 5 minutes late!

I hope that this is clear...and really its been "unofficially" going on for sometime now so it shouldn't make too much of a difference!

Noon classes WILL start AT NOON and thats it...

Let me know if you have any questions!

See you in the gym!

Monday, May 11, 2009

400 m run
30 Med ball cleans
Partner hold medicine ball in overhead squat position
30 pullups
Partner hangs from bar
30 abmat situps
Partner holds v-up position
Partner holds medicine ball in 90 degree squat
30 wall balls
Partner holds bottom of guantlet squat
800 m run

This one LOOKED ok...haha SIKE!

Box Jumps
Wall Balls
KB Swings

Bek 44# 28:34
Tracy 44# 25:20
Amy 44# 30:57
Darin53# 22:58
Brit 35# 30:47
John 53# 19:50
Lori 18# 20:06
Ryan 44# 26:26
Deb 26# 28:18
Melissa 35# 18:40
JoeD 44#19:50
Tammy 53# 22:10
Adriane 35/44# 25:01
Julie 44/53 21:23
Robin 26# 17:15
Mary 18# 22:15
*Ashley 25:28
Abby 53# 18:51
Bryce 53# 21:48
Everyone did an incredible job at going heavier on their swings, higher on the boxes,lower on wall balls and stronger on pullups! IMPRESSIVE!


Abby 53#

Genevieve 53#

Abby SPENT!!!

Tammy 53#

Bryce 53#

Melissa 35#

Everyone working hard at PROGRESS!

Ryan...gettin those pullups DOWN!

John 53#

Lori looking like veteran!

Son and Mom hittin the targets!