Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What a Monday!

look here everyone...yes it was a good TOUGH WOD...I have not been able to workout due to these damned shingles in a week and TODAY was my first day back and I wanted to GET smoked! Low and behold I created a tough one!

Great job to everyone's effort and will to finish! Keep up the great work!

Great turnout today! I wanna welcome some new members! Ryan,Ann, Mallory, Delia and Jerod! Great to have you guys! And a couple CF No Limits gals stopped in for a ass kick session! Nice to meet you Melodie and Jenna you girls rocked it!

25 Double Unders
15 Overhead Squats
400 m Run
25 Kettle Bell Swings
15 Burpees
400 M run
25 Wall Balls
15 GHD

X 3

Jerod 48:10
Joe D 38:30
Kyle 35:20
Mary 56:35
Genevieve 36:50
Juanita 49:30
Melissa 49:22
Abby 32:29
Ryan 49:48
Marissa 45:57
Melodie 42:47
Scott 36:45
John 32:04
Mike 55:05
Josh 40:38


  1. Double Unders seem to go smoother when humming the theme to "Rocky"

  2. I love it, Rocky...I mean Ryan! Thanks for the comment!
