Thursday, June 11, 2009

Juanita and her much anticipated....

Got some new dumbbells SO

Man Makers
Wall Balls
Knee to Elbows
Whats a ManMaker you ask?....
Push up position with hands on Dumbbells
push up, single arm row
push up, aother single arm row
Feet to hands, Dumbell Squat Clean and 2 lunges=1...yah 1!!!!!!!
Scott 35# 36:12
Marisa 20#37:15
Ryan25#/35# 34:27
Rich 35# 34:27
Tracy 15# 31:30
Ann 10# 31:52
Julie 20# 23:28
Joe D 25# 19:55
Julia8# 32:14
Melissa 10# 25:15
Abby25# 23:50
Juanita 20# 27:56
Stacey 15# 30"02
Melodie 20# 32:34
Tammy #20/25 21:10
Robyn 8# 28:07
Jenna10# 39:11
Amy 15# 33:03
Jerod 25# 34:19
Thank you Scott for executing the Man Maker so well and as Ryan stated...he has left this WOD a MAN!!!!!!

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