Monday, June 1, 2009

Mini Special Ops Warrior Foundation WOD

In teams of 2 or 3
400 M un
200/300 Shoulder to presses
800 M run
400/600 Squats
400 M run
40/60 Pullups

Each team member has to finish the run to start the movement and all reps for each movement has to be finished before the team moves on. ONE teammate can be working at a time.

A TWIST! Each team is givin a KB that the team must hold for the ENTIRE WOD...runs included! If it touches the ground OR you sit down with the KB then each team member has to complete 8 burpees at the end of the WOD.

What a GREAT team effort!


  1. Hardest workout ever....Abby! Fun though....Felt great to complete 100 push presses, liked the team work a lot. SO tired at the end, I left with somebody ELSE'S water bottle. I will return the red bottle with the blue cap! Not even CLOSE to my purple bottle!


  2. Team WODs are the bomb. You get to know your classmates better, and you push yourself even FARTHER because you have people depending on you. I felt so rad afterwards, wanting to high five my boys for half an hour.

  3. Deb you are the funniest ever... This wod killed me but i loved every min of it!!!

  4. Good to be back and what a great WOD to come back to!!! Love our team environment and EVERYBODY did an AMAZING job motivating and pushing each other!!!
